The Bloggerbytes Podcast

What is Pinterest TV?

Jenna Urben Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode, Jenna gives the inside scoop into what Pinterest TV is and why creators should care. Learn the advantages of hosting a live episode, how to watch episodes, best practices for going live, and more!

Pinterest TV is a live streaming platform for creators to host live episodes and connect with their audience. Is it something you'll try?


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Welcome to The Bloggerbytes Podcast. I'm your host, Jenna Urben. This is a podcast for bloggers, influencers, and content creators. Here I'll share transparent advice plus emerging tools and platforms to empower you to establish your brand, serve your audience, and monetize your influence. I'm so happy you're here.

In today's episode, I'm spilling everything I know about Pinterest tv. Let's dive in. You may be wondering, what is Pinterest tv? Well, Pinterest TV is a live streaming platform for creators to host live episodes. Currently, it only features one live episode at a time, and topics are typically centered around food, home, fashion, beauty, mindset, or.

Fitness to check it out for yourself. Open up the Pinterest app on your phone and in the upper left hand corner, click the TV icon. Welcome. You are now in pin tv. In here you can see current live episodes. Future episodes and watch replays of past live recordings along with pin tv. Pinterest launched a virtual creator studio where you're able to utilize a control room featuring a live preview website and product linking capabilities.

Engage with comments in real time and more. You may be wondering, Cool, how do I go live? So first, you are going to apply to go live, and once you're accepted, you can schedule your show and the previously mentioned creator studio. From there you'll name the title of your episode. Upload a preview video cover image, and include any blog post or products you want to feature during your live episode.

Your episode will then go through an approval process and once it's approved, users will be able to rsvp. So when you go live, they'll get a notification. You'll also be provided with a personalized link to your upcoming show that you can promote. When it's time to go live, simply use Creator Studio to host the episode and connect with your audience.

At the time of this podcast recording, there's two main episode formats hosted and live Immersives hosted is talking to the camera while engaging with the audience via chat, whereas Immersives is for those who want to go live, but. Just focus on creating with no engagement with the audience. Since I've had the opportunity to go live on Pinterest TV a handful of times, I'd love to share some benefits and best practices.

In my opinion, the four main benefits to hosting a live episode on PIN TV are to reach a new, broad user base on Pinterest to gain new followers, connect with an. In real time, ride traffic to your blog post by linking said post or include affiliate links to earn a commission. My best practices include preparing an outline so you can be sure to touch on all the points you want to make.

Introduce yourself. A majority of the audience won't know who you. So be sure to include who you are and what type of content you create. I recommend having some questions in mind that you can easily answer or provide some background on what you're creating. Highly, highly recommend engaging with the chat.

Ask them where they're from, where they're tuning in from. Let them know that you want them to utilize the chat feature. Encourage them to drop their favorite emoji. Ask any questions really, and also encourage users to follow you and ultimately, above all else, have fun with the experience. It's a 30 to 60 minute session, and honestly, it's over in the blink of an eye.

I hope this episode encourages you to apply for a PIN TV episode slot. Please keep me updated if you decide to go for it. I'd love to cheer you on. Thanks so much for joining me this week before you. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you can receive new episodes right when they're released. And if you're enjoying the episodes, I'd love to ask you to please leave a review.

It takes just a few seconds, but makes a huge difference. It means a ton to me personally. Thank you again for joining me, Jenna Urben, and this episode of Bloggerbytes.